Week of May 4th
First, find a work mat! You can use a towel, bathmat, placemat, etc. Your child is used to having a designated workspace; one that they know is only theirs, and that they can safely leave their work on if they need a break, or something else comes up. They know where to come back to.
Second, have your child help you make these works! It encourages ownership and learning, plus its extra time together!
Last, rescue is robbery! Try your hardest to step back and just watch! You'll be surprised how much they can figure out!
JOIN US! We can't wait to see you!
On Thursday May 7th, in place of circle, your MCOF Teachers will be waiting at the school to see you!
Drive through at 10am so we can wave and see your smiling faces!
Rain Date: Friday, May 8th at 10 am
Language Work: Cardboard Insets
In our classroom the children have the use of the metal inset materials. Since the metal material would be difficult to replicate at home, you can improvise with cardboard, as we all probably have extra boxes around right now! This work develops and refines pincer grasp through repetition.
-Trace a shape onto a piece of cardboard,
-Cut the interior of the shape out
Note: An adult will need to do this step as scissors that are safe for the children to use will not be sharp enough to cut through the cardboard and manipulate the angles. An exacto knife was used to cut the octagon shown in photo.
-Other examples of items to trace are tops of peanut butter jars, lunch containers and any other shapes your child is interested in!
-Have your child trace the interior of the cardboard inset onto paper
*Art extension: Child may cut out numerous shapes and glue to larger piece of cardboard to make abstract art!*
Cultural and Language Work: English and Swahili Animal names
For this work you will need your African Journal and a writing utensil.
-Draw a vertical line down the center of the page
-Enter the English name for an animal on the left side of your African journal
-Enter the Swahili name for the animal on the right side. It's fun to use YouTube to hear how the Swahili names are pronounced.
*For example: Hyena- Fisi, Ostrich-Mbuni
*Art extension: Draw illustrations of the animals you chose*
Practical Life: Flower Arranging
You will need a basket, flowers, multiple jar or vases, and a water can, or pitcher of water. Although we usually encourage our friends to leave nature in nature, we are using the flowers here to beautify our environment. Please compost or put back to nature when you are done with this work!
-Go on a nature walk with your basket and collect flowers
-Use flowers to create flower arrangement
-You will provide 2-3 vases or jars for your child to pick from
-Child pours water in the chosen vase
-Child arranges flowers
-Child places them around the home
-This work can be repeated with the same flowers, or flowers can be composted
Math: Shortest to Longest
You will need assorted legos, a bowl and your work mat.
-Assemble towers of legos (10 towers, increasing by one lego at a time)
-Place towers in a bowl for child to access
-Have child order towers from shortest to longest
-Return towers to the bowl
*Tip: If the child is struggling, cue them to line the edge of each tower up with the edge of their work mat. It may be easier for them to see the difference in heights this way.*
*Extension: Count how many legos are in each tower. You can create number labels to go with this work, too!*