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Week of May 18th

First, find a work mat! You can use a towel, bathmat, placemat, etc. Your child is used to having a designated workspace; one that they know is only theirs, and that they can safely leave their work on if they need a break, or something else comes up. They know where to come back to. 

Second, have your child help you make these works! It encourages ownership and learning, plus its extra time together!

Last, rescue is robbery! Try your hardest to step back and just watch! You'll be surprised how much they can figure out!

Cultural, Art and Language: Egyptian Hieroglyphics

Explore Egyptian hieroglyphics with your child and make their own name bookmark. Click here for a National Geographic link that offers a simple alphabet translation for kids!

Heiro. Bookmark.jpg

Language: I Spy game 

-Starting with the letter "A" and working through the entire alphabet, have your child "spy" objects in their environment. This can be done around the house or when out for a walk/drive. 

-On Monday work on letters A-F, Tuesday G-K, Wednesday L-P, Thursday Q-U and V-Z. 

*These are only suggestions, may be done in this order or any order that works for your child.*


-If they are really excited about the sound of letter B, for example, they can "spy" as many items/objects that start with the "B" sound as they would like!


*Extension: Document the "spied" objects in your writing journal. For an additional challenge, your child can use their "spied" word in a sentence. Illustrations can always be added to their writing journal as well. Click here for a Montessori phonetic Youtube video to use as a guide.*

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Flower Petal Puzzle

Click for the PDF instructions!

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Grinding Egg Shells 

Click for the PDF instructions!

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Practical Life/Grace and Courtesy: Preparing and Serving Fruit

You will need a tray, a cutting board, a plate, something to cut fruit with, and fruit that is in your home. The children have practiced apple slicing with an apple slicer at school. However, an unsharp butter knife, or the child safe knives/slicers from Small Hands are perfect if you aren’t using apples!


-Place all items listed on the tray

-Allow child to cut the fruit *If you are using an apple slicer, they may need help pushing it through, but allow them to place the slicer. Its okay if it’s not perfectly centered. That is how they will learn!

-Child throws away scraps/core/peel

-They will plate the cut fruit

-Have your child ask their family if they would like a piece. Encourage them to use works like, “Excise me, would you like a piece of fruit?” And then model a response like, “Yes, please.” or “No, thank you.” This is where the grace and courtesy comes in. Using manners to ask, and then deny or accept an offer.

-Child can repeat as many times as they would like


*Vegetables and other foods are okay to use too, as long as there is a preparation aspect to complete.*

Practical Life: Pouring to the Line

You will need at least 3 glasses or containers, one pouring container (pitcher, measuring cup, etc.), a dry eraser maker, and your work mat or a tray.


 -Start by drawing lines at different levels on the glasses. Dry eraser maker will come right off the glass cup

-Fill pouring container with water (Check to make sure there is only enough water to fill all 3 containers to their lines)

-Leave glasses and pitcher with water on a tray for your child

-Child will pour water into each cup up to the line

-This work has a control of error, if they run out of water without filling one of the cups to the line, they know they need to check their work

-Water from each glass will be poured back into the pitcher

-Repeat work until satisfied 


*Try dying the water with food coloring! The children love colored water. This work can also be done with a dry material, like rice, pasta or sugar.*

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